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Last modified on 19/08/2016 10:06 by User.

New International Issue definitions

Due to the nature of how we resolve some of the International website issues, it has become necessary to introduce 5 specific issue definitions relating to International Websites only.

Q: Why have we done this?

International websites differ from that of the UK website in two ways. 1) they were developed on a different platform from the UK site. 2) they have restrictions or differences of what can or cannot be sold online and require unique work and resolutions.

Q: Why can't we use any of the other definitions used for the UK website?

You can.....but we first require you to check the International issue definitions first (only 5). If the issue cannot be map to any of the (INT) International definition descriptions, use any of the other definitions that best fits the issue.

Q: How does this help the teams?

The 5 new International definitions are specifically mapped to reach the right team to deal with that issue e.g. all 5 new definitions are assigned to the Content International team in Enderby. It helps in the following ways:

  1. Assigns the cases to the right team to resolve an issue specific to any of the International Websites
  2. Minimal disruption to the Call Centre spotters and advisors with current training and guidance already in place
  3. More comprehensive reporting on the nature of issues, areas, priority and service level agreements (SLAs)
  4. Able to prioritise cases (something that was not available to the Content International team) 

The New Definitions

As you can see, the 5 new definitions for International website spotting are at the bottom of the 'Area' dropdown, separated by a --

INT= International Website

(P1- P2) = predetermined priority followed by the issue description or definition

Creating a new case!

Follow the current training and guidance, keeping the form filling consistent:

  1. Clean title with the product number, hyphen then a short title (TIP - copy the area title, use the description area below the drop down fields to be more specific)
  2. Select 'International' where the issue was located
  3. Don't forget the URL (web address) to the related issue area on the site
  4. Add an image using the snipping tool proving the issue