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NEWS - Tips and Info»New Field in FogBugz Form
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Last modified on 26/07/2016 16:58 by User.


New Field in FogBugz Form

A new Drop-down menu has been introduced to the 'Call Centre Spots NEW' form. This is in preparation to make some changes to the workflow on how the support team handle their cases in response to the International convergence project. This is the project that will manage all the international websites seamlessly across to the new platform just like the UK website.

We now need to prepare to capture a more comprehensive set of data relating international websites using all the issue definitions that we use for the UK website (we currently don't do this for International)

How we will start do this:

We have already introduced a New Field with a drop down menu called:  'Which Website is the Issue Located?' Within the drop down are 3 choices: UK Website, International Website, International & UK Website.

See below:

Please use and complete this field based on which website has the issue, carry on as normal using the guidance and training you've had or read. 

Those of you who solely check international websites, please remember to still check if you can replicate the issue on the UK website...If you can, choose the 'International & UK Website' for the drop down. If not, choose 'International Website'.   

More details to follow.